As an evangelical church, and in common with churches around the world, we confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures, and therefore seek to fulfill together their common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” (World Council of Churches, 1961).
We believe in the one true and living God, eternally existing and revealed in unity as three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the scriptures have their source and inspiration in God, and that in the church the Bible is the final authority for truth, faith and conduct.
We believe that God created all things for His glory. We believe in His love, grace and sovereignty in sustaining, ruling, redeeming and judging the world. God created men and women in His image, but the whole of humanity has fallen from God’s perfect plan and is deserving of His perfect judgement.
We believe that God’s eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, was born of the virgin Mary; truly divine and truly human, yet without sin. We believe that He died on the cross, taking upon Himself the penalty for our sin. Only through His death and subsequent resurrection are men and women justified and reconciled to God – by the grace of God through repentance and personal faith in Christ – to experience eternal life and salvation from the consequence of sin.
We believe that Jesus Christ, as the incarnate Son of God, Messiah and Lord, uniquely revealed God’s character and will, and his life has become the pattern and standard for our own. His earthly life serves as the lens through which we interpret the rest of the bible.
We believe that the work of the Holy Spirit leads us to repentance, and unites us with Christ. He lives in us empowering us to become more Christ-like in character and more effective in God’s service.
We believe that in love and mercy God calls us into relationship with Him to make us whole.
We believe that the universal church is made up of all who have turned to Christ as Saviour and Lord in repentance and personal faith. Through relationship with God, each Christian is given gifts, through the Holy Spirit, to serve Him and His church in the world.
We believe that the local church is the committed local gathering of God’s people for the purpose of worship, fellowship, learning, mutual support, service and outreach.
We believe that Christ instituted the sacraments of Believers’ Baptism and Holy Communion and that they are to be practised by his people.
We believe that Christ will return to this world in power and glory to fulfil the purpose of God, according to His promise.